Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Former LA Times Staffers Launch TheJournalismShop.com

Here's Brett Levy at TheJournalismShop.com World HQ in Scottsdsale, AZ, about to type the last bit of critical code before unleashing a great net innovation on the planet. Will it be for good or evil?

Here's what he says in his blog:

Three weeks ago, I was asked if I could build a website for former Los Angeles Times journalists wishing to sell their services on a freelance basis. Today, we launched TheJournalismShop.

While we’re still working out some kinks – we’re not happy with the logo and may have a domain issue – the site is fully functional and easy to use. Say you need a former reporter with health reporting skills. Simply navigate to the Reporting page and then scan the bios. If that journalist seems to fit the bill, click on More Info. There, you will find a full resume and means to contact the journalist.

If you could do me the favor of clicking around the site a bit, that would be fantastic. Also, if you have a blog, linking to TheJournalismShop would also be of great help.

By the way, you can find me in the Projects, PR/Marketing and Design/Editing categories.

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