Clay Felker, who revolutionized the magazine genre as founding editor of
New York, bringing readers a smart, sassy mix of gossip and news that was replicated relentlessly across the country, died Tuesday. He was 82.
Felker died with his wife, writer Gail Sheehy, at his side at their New York City home after a battle with throat cancer, the magazine said.
"Those of us lucky enough to work in the house
that he built are reminded every day of the depth of his genius," New York Editor-in-Chief Adam Moss said. "He created a kind of magazine that had never been seen before, told a kind of story that had never been told." [Click For MORE]
New York magazine founder Clay Felker dead at 82 ReutersJournalism Giant Clay Felker Dies Conde Nast PortfolioInternational Herald Tribune - UC Berkeley - Adweek - New Westall 231 news articles »
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