Thursday, February 14, 2008

Mogul Showdown: Murdoch vs. Zell

Count your blessings, Journal staffers. Here are five reasons why the “Rotten Old Bastard” is a better newspaper boss than the “Grave Dancer.”

While Tribune Co. is working up its latest round of job cuts at the Los Angeles Times and the Chicago Tribune, News Corp. is busily building up The Wall Street Journal.

The contrary approaches that the new owners are taking at some of the nation's best and most respected media outlets raises an interesting question:

Who is the smarter newspaper owner—Sam Zell, the distressed-asset investor who's nickname is "the Grave Dancer," or Rupert Murdoch, the avaricious media mogul known to some as "the Rotten Old Bastard"? [Click for MORE] Sphere: Related Content

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