Friday, February 20, 2009

Does News Have a Future?

From KCRW:

As of last year, more people were getting their news for free on the Internet than were paying for newspapers and magazines. We hear proposals for preserving journalism as we've come to know it and for creating new ways of serving consumers of information.

Does News Have a Future? (12:07P)

Magazines are cutting their staffs as are news broadcasters, both commercial and listener supported. Newspapers have more readers than ever, but they're downsizing and going bankrupt, threatening not just providers of news but the news itself. Major American cities may soon have no papers at all. The problem is that they're giving their product away for free on the Internet, a business model that can't be sustained. Will a new generation of news consumers be willing to pay? We hear different ideas about keeping traditional journalism alive. Is it time to develop new methods for keeping the public informed?

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