People ask me, over and over, "What is going on at the Press-Telegram?" They want to know why some employees have been let go, and why others have been transferred to our sister paper, the Daily Breeze in Torrance. They want to know if their newspaper, the Press-Telegram, is going to survive.
Daily News' Zuckerman still trying to buy Newsday
Rupert Murdoch isn't the only newspaper mogul who is aggressively pursuing a purchase of Newsday, sources said Friday. Daily News owner Mort Zuckerman is still in the game.
Newspaper print ad sales fall 9.4%, most on record
U.S. newspapers suffered their worst drop in print advertising sales since industry record- keeping began 57 years ago, hammered by the housing-market slump and competition from the Internet.
Lee Enterprises to take write-down
Lee Enterprises said today that it expects to take a non-cash impairment charge in the range of $500 million to $700 million for the quarter ending March 30, 2008.
Chronicle site considered for development
Hearst Corp., owner of The Chronicle, has signed an agreement with Forest City Enterprises Inc. to explore development possibilities for the newspaper's headquarters and adjacent parcels.
Times Co. memo reveals dip in online ad revenue
Seattle Times Publisher Frank Blethen's new mantra for his paper's employees goes like this, according to an in-house memo circulated around the Seattle paper on Monday: "Survive...transform...transition...thrive." Sounds kind of catchy, but so far the Times seems to be hung up on the "survive" part.
> CAPITALISM without bankruptcy, is like Christianity without hell
> Chuck Philips Overlooked Some Pretty Obvious Red Flags
> Readers React to the Tupac Shakur Story
> Who Was Expecting an 18% Downturn?
> Zell Unloads on Newspaper Employees
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[Ed Padgett]
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